As a parent of a current student in SMHS, a San Elijo resident, and a Classified employee of the SMUSD, I am proud to personally endorse Sarah Ahmad for School Board Trustee, Area B. As a leader for the Classified staff, I have had direct experience working with Sarah on a wide range of issues. Sarah has a consistent track record of making the best decisions that impact both our students and our community! Please join me in selecting Sarah Ahmad for our SMUSD School Board.

Ron Tackett

We are happy to endorse Sarah for the San Marcos Unified School Board. Her willingness to listen and learn from others definitely sets her apart. We know Sarah will be a leader who will make the most of opportunities to ensure everyone in our community benefits.

The Pearson Family

I am proud to endorse Sarah Ahmad for SMUSD School Board, Area B. Sarah brings real-world practical experience with her degree in Information and Computer Science from UCI, and her proven corporate leadership and management skills. Sarah Ahmad will bring those talents and her passion for student education to increase trust and communication between the SMUSD governing board and its stakeholders.

Tom Kamura

Sarah cares about the community so much and has been a parent with first hand experience in our district! She is very well spoken and has amazing values. I trust her and know that she would be a great fit for this position!

Ilana Huff - Local Realtor @ Huff Team

I have the pleasure of knowing Sarah as a fellow mom, as well as an individual committed to bettering our schools. She understands the struggles students can face in school, AND the struggles many of us parents face due to the decisions made by our school board. I have no doubt in Sarah's commitment and abilities in improving our schools once she is on the board. SMUSD board needs Sarah's knowledge, experiences, and input. I firmly believe we, as parents, and our children will be delighted with Sarah's involvement on the SMUSD school board.

Kimberly Orellana - Owner of Downtown Academics Tutoring

She is dedicated to ensuring ALL students have an opportunity to learn and succeed in school. She is willing to listen, learn, and make informed decisions based on what’s in the best interests of students achieving their potential. Sarah has volunteered at San Elijo Elementary and been a very involved member of the San Elijo Community. She’s involved in the education of her kids and wants to be a voice for her zone. She will be a great addition to the SMUSD School Board!

The Gidner Family

I proudly endorse Sarah Ahmad for the SMUSD School Board. As a school administrator, I witnessed her hard work and dedication at San Elijo Elementary that helped contribute to the school's success. Sarah donated countless hours volunteering at San Elijo supporting the students, teachers, and administration. I am confident she will help lead our district in the right direction.

Jimmy Miringoff- Assistant Principal 2012-2019 at San Elijo Elementary

We are supporting Sarah Ahmad because we believe she will be able to focus on solutions and make decisions that are in the best interest of our children, teachers, communities, and schools. She is a parent in the district and has devoted her time to volunteer in the school and classroom. We stand behind Sarah knowing she will give it her all!

The Nicol Family

I am excited to endorse Sarah Ahmad for the SMUSD School Board. She has been an active member of the San Elijo school community, volunteering in many different capacities that support the students of this district. She has also taken the time to come on campus and learn the inter-workings of the school, to better inform her of what the needs are for the district. I have never seen a board member (or potential board member) put so much of her personal time into educating herself about the schools she will represent. I strongly endorse Sarah Ahmad for the SMUSD School Board!

The Faulkner Family

Sarah Ahmad is the perfect candidate for our school board. She is dedicated to helping all students in the district. She works tirelessly to educate herself on all topics pertinent to our district. I am proud to know Sarah Ahmed professionally, and personally. She will bring new life to our district.

The Kelts Family

I am excited to support Sarah for the San Marcos Unified School board. She has taken an active role in the district and I know she will work hard to ensure all students receive a first class education.

The Meeker Family

The Slattum’s believe that Sarah is the right person, at the right time! During this critical time of our children’s development; let’s unite behind the woman to help our schools, navigate these troubling waters. We are all in for Sarah and our children!

The Slattum Family

Sarah has devoted hundreds of hours of her personal time to make sure that the students of San Elijo Elementary have a yearbook that they will cherish. She focuses on making sure everyone is included and that the school and events are well represented. Her passion for the students and school is evident in the care she takes to make sure everything is right. She has always gone above and beyond.

The Bonilla Family

Sarah is well informed about our district and has spoken at board meetings. Her proactive approach is exactly what is needed. As a teacher and a parent, I am confident that Sarah will make a positive impact!

The Schroeder Family

Sarah Ahmad is the perfect candidate for this position. For those who don’t know her, Sarah is kind, intelligent, passionate and focused. She’s someone who listens but doesn’t get caught up in gossip and drama. And she’s a hard worker!

The Giovanola Family

We are so proud to know Sarah. She is a brilliant and compassionate woman and who will represent us so well!

The Wilkerson Family

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"My work is dedicated to helping people so that our communities, our families, and our schools become places where everyone can thrive.", Sarah Ahmad

Since January 2020, as a dedicated trustee of the San Marcos Unified School District, I have tirelessly advocated for the needs of our students, parents, and teachers, making sure their voices are heard and valued. Under my leadership, we successfully appointed Dr. Andy Johnsen as our superintendent, bringing much-needed stability to a position that had experienced frequent changes.

One of my top priorities has been our district's fiscal health. I’m proud that SMUSD's financial outlook has significantly improved since I took office. Moody’s has upgraded our rating outlook from negative to stable, reversing a troubling trend and removing us from the state’s watch list.

As a parent and board member, I remain steadfast in ensuring that our district’s finances are managed responsibly, minimizing the impact on our students and their resources.

Having been an active member of the San Marcos community for 17 years, with my own children thriving in SMUSD schools, I deeply understand the importance of a strong educational foundation. With one child on the brink of high school graduation, I am more committed than ever to ensuring every student reaches their full potential, preparing them for their future endeavors. The "Portrait of a Graduate" initiative, developed in collaboration with students, teachers, parents, and community members, reflects our shared vision for student success and remains a cornerstone of my efforts.

I am dedicated to fostering strong community engagement and transparent communication between our district and families. By advocating for a public information officer and maintaining open lines of communication, I strive to keep our community informed and involved. I believe in creating a culture of mutual respect and collaboration, setting an example for our students, and embracing new ideas and learning opportunities.

Serving as a board member is a role I take on not just for my children but for all 19,500+ students in our district. My goal is to ensure that every child has access to excellent teachers, resources, and opportunities. While perfection is a continual pursuit, I am committed to ongoing improvement. I am honored to have the opportunity to work with this dedicated team to achieve the best outcomes for all our students.

I humbly ask for your support in my reelection so that we can continue to build a brighter future for our children together.

Learn about Sarah’s vision
and the issues. She speaks for us.


Empower students to reach their full potential through opportunities and experiences to enhance learning.

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Proactively protect our students in a meaningful way focusing on well-rounded safety protocols from mental health of physical security.

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Provide each student space to learn with reduced class sizes and innovative resources.

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Make informed and conscientious decisions to ensure an ideal experience for teachers and students.

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